The Mayor had a problem. All of the sod planted in front of the new village hall had died due to dry conditions and no irrigation. They had 5,000 square feet of dead sod and only $20,000 to fix it.
Contact: David Levine, CEO | Email: | Phone: 216.509.4459
The Mayor had a problem. All of the sod planted in front of the new village hall had died due to dry conditions and no irrigation. They had 5,000 square feet of dead sod and only $20,000 to fix it.
The Mayor contacted My Home Park. We thought that this project was perfect for native plants. We put together a design with a materials cost of $15,000 ($3/ft2). The village council approved it (although one council member thought it “was a lot to pay for flowers”).
We shipped the plants to the site and planted them over 3 days ($1/ft2 installation cost). We planted 17 species of plants and grasses native to the area. This is now one of the largest all-native plant installations in Ohio and will go on to support hundreds of thousands of pollinators from April through October.